Thursday, March 29, 2012

THOR! pt. 1

And here his is, the God of Thunder, at last!

I still need to do up the instructions for Thor's godly mane. I'll also have a page that shows exactly how it is all put together (including facial detail). Verily, I shall do this soon and have the whole pattern available for free downloading at!

Oh, and here's the hammer!

I'm sorry that the images aren't as clear and neat as in the past. I'm making do with borrowed computer equipment in Russia, OK. It'll be more readable in the PDF once I've got it up.

Until then, may the eyes of Odin be ever upon ye!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I swear by the beard of Odin, that I am nearly done writing up the pattern for Thor (I received a specific request for him and was so tickled I put my dear Loki on the backburner for the time being)! I would have it up by the end of the week if it weren't for the fact that I am going on vacation to Moscow and Kaliningrad starting tomorrow.'ll be after that. But you can start breaking out your fantasy-tinged classic rock albums now, for Thor demands to be crocheted with T-Rex, Led Zeppelin, and Donovan in the background. I listened to Immigrant Song in particular a lot when I was working on him...


One important note: in working on my patterns, I noticed that I've been using the word "row" where I really should use "round" since these dolls are all knit in spiral crochet (no turning, no joining rounds). I've been doing amigurumi-influenced spiral crochet things for so long now that I forgot to be specific on that point. Sorry if there was any confusion!